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Whitby Minor Baseball Association
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Home > 2025 Player Registration

Concussion Awareness

Under Rowan's Law, before any player can be registered with the local association and Baseball Ontario, the player, and the parent or legal guardian of the player if the player is under 18 years of age, must review one of the Concussion Education Resources provided by the Province of Ontario and must review the Player Code of Conduct. Links to these resources are provided here and will open in a separate window:

Province of Ontario Concussion Education Resources -

Baseball Ontario Player Code of Conduct -

* Indicates Required Field

Player Information

Are you a returning Player?

First Name *

Last Name *

Birthdate *

Access Code

(Only returning players need to enter the Access Code.)

Email Address *

Baseball Canada Number




Last Team

Address *

City / Hometown *

Province *

Postal Code *

Phone Number *

Enable Text Messaging to Phone Number

Did you play Rep, Select or House League in 2024, if so, please tell us which? *

Prior Pitching Experience? *

Number of years Pitching experience? *

Prior catcher experience? *

Which hand does the player throw with? *

Which way does the player bat? *

Proof of Birth (Birth Certificate or Passport)

(Maximum file upload size is 8MB.)

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian First Name *

Parent/Guardian Last Name *

Parent/Guardian Email Address *

Verify Parent/Guardian Email Address *

Parent/Guardian Phone Number *

Enable Text Messaging to Parent/Guardian Phone Number

If you enable text messaging, you will receive important announcements from your organization

Parent/Guardian Address *

Parent/Guardian City *

Parent/Guardian Province / State *

Parent/Guardian Postal / Zip Code *

Parent/Guardian 2 Information

Parent/Guardian 2 First Name

Parent/Guardian 2 Last Name

Verify Parent/Guardian 2 Email Address

Parent/Guardian 2 Phone Number

Enable Text Messaging to Parent/Guardian 2 Phone Number

If you enable text messaging, you will receive important announcements from your organization.

Parent/Guardian 2 Address

Parent/Guardian 2 City

Parent/Guardian 2 Province / State

Parent/Guardian 2 Postal / Zip Code

Birth Certificate or Passport is required for all Rep and Select players.  Thank you.

Rep Tryout Schedule updated Sept 10


CNE Plays Host to Our Rookie teams


Announcing the Haines Family Bursary


Access to Brooklin Memorial Park
